10 Posts In Total
Welcome to my blog/portfolio! I’m crissNb and I’ll be posting (mostly) programming projects I do
Polygonal Terrain Generation
This project is based on: http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/game-programming/polygon-map-generation/ Couple days ago, I came across this interesting article called “Polygonal Map Generation for Games”. At first glance, I wasn’t entirely interested, as I mostly generate my terrain using perlin noise. This is a much easier implementation - Unity’s Math library officially supports perlin noise, making it easier for Unity users to implement perlin noise based terrains. However, the maps generated by perlin noise aren’t entirely good for creating island maps.
Mesh Simplification using Quadric Error Metrics
This time, I’ve done a quick and short research on mesh simplification algorithm (and homogeneous coordiantes, quadrics) using quadric error metrics (and planning on implementing this algorithm with Unity Engine). Be aware that not all of this information may be correct. Homogeneous coordinates (projective coordinates) railroad; source: https://www.songho.ca/math/homogeneous/homogeneous.html In contrast to Euclidean geometry (three-dimensional space), projective geometry introduces another Z dimension, called W, in which it is used to describe the distance from the projector to the screen.
Progression is an Android game made with Unity that I recently released on Google Play store (that is still downloadable on Google play, link to the download at the bottom). It didn’t take me a long time for me to develop this game as the whole system was very easy to implement. The main point of this development was to make a simple game in a short duration just so I can get more motivated and get the Unity development wheels rolling again, as I took a break after finishing Sketch Hero.
One Room Survival
———————————————DISCONTINUED——————————————— One Room Survival is a game that I started making after I published Sketch Hero. After careful consideration, I decided to make a PC game. Possibly also port it to Android, if the impressions of the game are good. Something that I had to consider while planning the project was marketing. In the beginning, I also had no idea where to exactly publish my game. Steam, a huge game “store”, which is commonly used by most of the gamers, was not an option for me personally, as I couldn’t pay for the fee that’s required for me to publish the game on Steam.
Arduino Smartwatch
———————————————DISCONTINUED——————————————— For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been working on a smartwatch project using my Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v (ATMEGA328P @ 8Mhz). My intention is my smartwatch will connect to my phone and receive all the useful information such as time, notification and messages. Because it uses the time from my mobile phone, it does not need a separate RTC (Real Time Clock), benefitting the size of the smartwatch. I also don’t have to replace the battery of RTC.
Project Sketch Hero
———————————————DISCONTINUED——————————————— Sketch Hero is my first Unity Android game project that I published to Google Play store which I worked for around a year. Main menu I spent a lot of time developing this game and I’m really satisfied with how it turned out. I made this game to see how well I know about Unity. Sketch Hero is an endless runner, which means the player plays the game endlessly while trying to achieve the highest score possible.
Awaken Sentinel
———————————————DISCONTINUED——————————————— Keep in mind I’m writing this a year after I stopped making this game. I didn’t bother with portfolio or whatsoever back then. Awaken Sentinel is the first game that I started making seriously on Unity game engine. It’s a multiplier FPS with open-world aspects. I can’t provide any further information to the game, nor the story, as the whole project started just because I wanted to learn something and I didn’t plan on publishing at all/have the finished product.